This was our first experience at winter camping! Well, maybe we cheated a little. Pulling our truck up to a heated octagonal, heated tent on a wooden platform with bunk beds is probably not exactly winter camping. We did have to consider the fact that our daughter was only 9 months old! We drove up …
Car Camping
We brought our “wide-eyed wonder” girl back to Algonquin Provincial Park at 5 months of age. The water was a lot warmer after a full summer of solar gain. The nights were a little cooler and more comfortable than mid July, especially for snuggling with my wife and daughter. Most of the weekend was spent …
I have always exposed my kids to the great outdoors since… well, since the chord was cut. We played in the streams that flowed over the Niagara Escarpment, swam in the frigid waters of western Georgian Bay and the warmer waters of Lake Huron, canoed in the local town river (pictured below), snowshoed in the …
Camping in late September is always a bit of a gamble. The weather can be warm and sunny or cold and dreary. The changing of the seasons in Algonquin is nothing short of spectacular. The vivid colours and cooler temperatures drastically change the look and mood of the park from those warm summer days. Even …
These images were taken on a trip, my wife and I made, in the summer of 2010. We had a shoreline camp site at Agawa Bay, Lake Superior Provincial Park. The waves at our beach site subsided enough, one morning, to take the kayaks out and explore. Another day, we found a small sheltered bay (part …